7 Reasons Why You Should Consider LinkedIn Recruiter Alternatives

What is LinkedIn Recruiter?

Building your ideal team requires finding the right talent, but the hunt can be extremely time consuming. Traditional methods might limit your options, making it difficult to attract exceptional candidates who truly understand your company culture. 

LinkedIn is the perfect place to start as it has over 1 billion users worldwide. LinkedIn Recruiter takes it a step further, it is specifically designed for hiring managers and recruiters, offering a powerful toolbox to help you identify and connect with top talent. This premium service gives you access to recruitment tools that will make your process of finding the right people on LinkedIn easier and faster.

Nikunj A., a Recruitment Manager said “The perfect application for reaching candidates - LinkedIn Recruiter” (Source: G2)

LinkedIn Recruiter is all about connecting recruiters with the right candidates quickly and efficiently. It’s designed to streamline your hiring process and help you find top talent from LinkedIn’s vast network.

Finding the right talent

LinkedIn Recruiter lets you search for candidates using various filters like location, industry, skills, and experience. This way, you can zero in on the best matches for your job openings without wasting time.

I found this review on G2 by Daren R. that said “The search feature is by far my favorite. I typically start a search very broadly, but filters allow me to get as granular as I want based on my search criteria.”

Direct communication

With LinkedIn’s InMail feature, you can reach out to potential candidates directly, even if you’re not connected. This is a game-changer because it allows you to contact passive candidates who might not be actively job hunting but are open to new opportunities.

Organization and collaboration

You can manage your recruitment projects by saving candidate profiles, adding notes, and organizing your search results. This is especially useful if you’re juggling multiple job openings or working within a team.

Insights and analytics

LinkedIn Recruiter provides valuable insights and analytics on your recruitment efforts. You can see how your messages are performing, which candidates are engaging with your job posts, and how your efforts stack up against industry benchmarks. This data helps you refine your strategy and improve your hiring success.

Building relationships

Beyond just filling current roles, LinkedIn Recruiter helps you build a talent pipeline for the future. By engaging with potential candidates and keeping track of their profiles, you’re ready to fill positions as soon as they open up.

What are the two versions of LinkedIn Recruiter?

LinkedIn Recruiter understands that recruitment needs vary depending on company size and hiring volume. To cater to this diversity, they offer two versions: LinkedIn Recruiter Lite and LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate. 

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

Recruiter Lite is ideal for smaller companies or individuals with occasional hiring needs, it offers a focused set of tools to kickstart your talent acquisition efforts. 

Key features of LinkedIn Recruiter Lite: 

Network access: Up to 3rd-degree connections

Search filters: Above 20 filters

Search alerts: 10

InMail: 30 per month

LinkedIn Recruiter Lite pricing: 

Since Recruiter Lite is for individuals and smaller companies, it offers a more budget-friendly option than Recruiter Corporate. It offers a monthly subscription option with a price range of $170 to $270 per user, per month. This translates to $1,680 to $2,670 annually. 

Also rather than subscribing monthly, you can choose their annual subscription plan which saves you 20% and it also comes with extra perks, If you choose to go with a year-long commitment, recruiters enjoy continuous access to LinkedIn Recruiter Lite which allows them to consistently use its features to find and connect with top talent, they get dedicated customer support that help them with any challenges or problems that they are facing, and they get to be among the first to access any updates or enhancements that LinkedIn release.

Before making any commitments, you can try their 30 day free trial. 

LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate 

Recruiter Corporate the premium solution from LinkedIn. It is ideal for professional headhunters, recruitment agencies or large recruitment teams. 

Key features of LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate: 

This premium version offers everything in Lite plus:

  • Network access: You get full access to all profiles
  • Search filters: Over 40 filters
  • Search alerts: 50
  • InMail: 150 per month

LinkedIn Recruiter Corporate pricing: 

LinkedIn doesn’t publish Recruiter Corporate’s prices and usually charges users on a case-by-case basis. As an estimate, it costs around $1,080 per user, a month, though the exact price can vary depending on currency and location.

In order to get more details about the pricing, you can contact their sales team and they can assist you with anything that you need and give you a custom price based on the following: 

  • Number of licenses: The price per seat decreases as you buy more licenses.
  • Company size and industry: Larger companies and those in competitive industries may incur higher costs.
  • Location: Prices vary depending on your geographical location.

Top 7 reasons why you should consider LinkedIn Recruiter Alternatives

As we all know, LinkedIn Recruiter has long been a go-to tool for talent acquisition professionals looking to source top candidates. With its extensive network of professionals and search capabilities, it's no wonder LinkedIn is a staple in the recruitment industry. However, as with any tool, there are always alternatives that might better suit your specific needs and preferences. 

Here are the top seven reasons why you should consider LinkedIn Recruiter alternatives:

Cost Efficiency

LinkedIn Recruiter, while powerful, comes with a hefty price tag. For many small and mid-sized businesses, as well as startups, the cost can be a significant obstacle. 

The good news? There are tons of alternatives out there that are much easier on the budget. By exploring other options, you can allocate your budget more efficiently and potentially invest in other areas of your recruitment strategy, learn more about linkedIn recruiter pricing here.


1. Tapflow:

An AI talent sourcing co-pilot that helps recruiters analyze job descriptions, automate searches, and score and rank the best candidate profiles. Pricing plans start at $37, and a free trial for you to get started.

Khalil Al Kashif, who is a Global Talent Acquisition
Senior Manager at Unifonic said “With Tapflow's smart sourcing tool, I was able to identify and contact hundreds of relevant profiles within minutes, all thanks to it's profile analysis technology”. (Source: Tapflow

2. Fetcher: It is a candidate sourcing and outreach tool with plans starting at $250 per month. It leverages AI and machine learning to help recruiters find and engage with top talent. 

An anonymous user who is a Talent Acquisition Manager said “It’s a great product and affordable”. (Source: Capterra)

3. HireEZ: It is another affordable alternative, with pricing beginning at $400 per month. It offers features like Boolean search, talent pipeline management, and email automation.

Keith H. who is a Principal Recruiter said “It provides more functionality than LinkedIn Recruiter at less than LinkedIn Premium's price.” (Source: G2)

Here are other cheap alternatives.

Specialized Features

While LinkedIn Recruiter is a comprehensive tool, sometimes you need a tool that speaks your specific industry's language. Imagine if you could find a platform with features designed for your exact needs, not just general recruitment.  That's where alternatives come in!


1. Tapflow: Utilizes AI to enhance sourcing and engagement. Its AI capabilities help you find passive candidates by analyzing the profiles by reading between the lines and understanding the nuances of what the job requires.

2. Jobvite: Known for its end-to-end recruiting solutions and robust CRM features, which help in managing relationships with candidates more effectively.

Emily R. who is a Talent Acquisition Specialist said: “It is a visual platform where you can check your candidates but also you have the chance to organize the data. It's easy to use and facilitates how you manage the information. It can be integrated with other platforms like google calendar, email, and Linkedin.” (Source: G2

Diverse Candidate Pools

LinkedIn is great for connecting with professionals, but what if you're hiring for a different kind of role? Maybe you need a skilled mechanic, a freelance graphic designer, or a remote customer service whiz. LinkedIn's candidate pool might feel limiting – not exactly the place to find those hidden gems.

By exploring alternatives, you can tap into these diverse talent pools and find the perfect fit for your unique hiring needs.


1. Tapflow: It searches the entire LinkedIn database, providing access to diverse candidate pools. It helps you find the perfect fit for your unique hiring needs, making it an invaluable tool for recruiters looking to broaden their search and discover hidden gems.

2. HireEZ: It focuses on deep sourcing capabilities, allowing you to find passive candidates across the web.

Trent C. who is a Senior Global Director of Talent Acquisition and Retention said “HireEZ is my #1 Recruiting Tool” (Source: G2

3. AmazingHiring: It excels in finding passive candidates and offers a diverse talent pool by aggregating data from over 50 sources, including GitHub, Stack Overflow, and LinkedIn. AmazingHiring leverages AI to rank candidates based on their skills and experience, providing detailed analytics that help recruiters identify top talent efficiently. Its ability to pull from various platforms ensures a broader and richer candidate pool, making it an invaluable tool for tech recruiters seeking diverse and qualified candidates.

Piret Luts who is the Head of International Talent Acquisition at Nortal said “AmazingHiring aggregates search results from multiple platforms and saves time spent on hiring process. It helped me complete 5-7 projects instead of 1-2 in the same amount of time.” (Source: AmazingHiring)

User Experience and Integration

The user experience and integration capabilities of LinkedIn Recruiter may not be exactly user friendly for everyone. If your team is struggling with the interface or if LinkedIn doesn't seamlessly integrate with your existing HR tech stack, it can create major headaches and slow you down. Alternatives often offer better user experiences and more flexible integration options.

So, if your team is feeling frustrated or your tech stack is throwing shade at LinkedIn Recruiter, explore some other options! You might be surprised at how much smoother and more efficient your recruitment process can become.


1. Tapflow: It offers an exceptionally user-friendly interface, making the recruitment process smoother and more efficient for recruitment teams. With its intuitive design, navigating through candidate profiles and managing recruitment tasks becomes effortless. One of Tapflow's standout features is the ability to export all candidate profiles directly to your ATS, ensuring seamless integration with your existing HR tech stack. This capability helps streamline your workflow, saving time and reducing the complexity of manual data transfers, ultimately enhancing your recruitment strategy.

2. Juicebox: It features an easy-to-use interface that simplifies creating and managing candidate pipelines. This platform integrates seamlessly with various ATS and CRM systems, enhancing workflow efficiency. 

Brooke H. said “Very clean and intuitive. The categories and organization are easy to navigate and response time of the data manipulation is fast.” (Source: GetApp)

Innovation and Adaptability

The recruitment landscape is constantly changing. New trends emerge, technologies evolve and the way we attract top talent is always changing. So, wouldn't it be awesome to use a recruitment tool that's always one step ahead?

Here's the thing: some LinkedIn Recruiter alternatives are constantly innovating and adapting to the latest trends. They embrace cutting-edge technologies like AI and machine learning to streamline your workflow and unearth hidden talent pools. Not only that, they're always on the lookout for new ways to improve the recruitment experience, both for you and the candidates you connect with.

By choosing an alternative with a focus on innovation, you're investing in the future of your recruitment strategy.  You'll have access to the latest tools and functionalities, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve and attract the best talent, no matter what the future holds. It's like having a recruitment partner that's always learning, growing, and adapting – the perfect recipe for building a winning team!


1. Tapflow: Constantly releases new updates and enhancements to ensure you attract and retain top talent effectively. With Tapflow, you have a recruitment partner that's always learning, growing, and adapting – a crucial advantage in building a winning team!

2. SmartRecruiters: Frequently updates its platform with new features and improvements, ensuring that you always have access to the latest recruitment technology.

Neel K. who is a US IT & Non IT Recruiter said “It automates repetitive tasks like resume screening or interview scheduling. It saves recruiters time.” (Source: G2

1. Breezy HR: Offers innovative features like video interviewing and candidate pipelines, making it easier to manage and assess candidates remotely.

Ramiro M. said “Breezy HR is a gem when it comes to Applicant Tracking Systems. I appreciate its user-friendly interface, making the hiring process a breeze. It's like they read our minds – the system not only meets our needs but keeps evolving based on user feedback. The commitment to continuous improvement is a game-changer, reflecting a genuine understanding of user experiences. It's a win-win for both the HR team and the candidates we're bringing on board.” (Source: G2

Enhanced Customer Support

Excellent customer support can make a significant difference in how effectively you use a recruitment tool. Alternative platforms provide more personalized and responsive customer service. This can be especially beneficial when you encounter technical issues or need guidance on using specific features.

1. Tapflow: It sets itself apart by offering exceptional customer service with a dedicated team always ready to assist. Whether you're facing technical challenges or seeking guidance on utilizing specific features, Tapflow's responsive team ensures you receive personalized assistance promptly. This commitment to superior customer service enhances your overall experience, providing invaluable support as you navigate your recruitment efforts with confidence.

2. Breezy HR: It offers excellent customer service, characterized by a responsive team that is consistently available to address user inquiries and technical issues. 

Craig P. said “We are a small company, and my two partners and I love the ease of use and features Breezy offers, along with the pricing. The customer support is outstanding—they take the time to answer all of my questions, no matter how simple, and ensure I understand everything.” (Source: G2

Tips on how to choose your LinkedIn Recruiter alternative 

So, you've explored the exciting world of LinkedIn Recruiter alternatives, and your head is buzzing with possibilities. But with so many great options, how do you pick the perfect match for your recruitment needs?

Here's the thing: there's no one-size-fits-all answer. The best tool for you depends on your unique team, budget, and recruitment goals. Here are things to consider:


Consider your budget. Some alternatives are incredibly cost-effective, while others offer premium features at a higher price point. Find the option with the functionalities you need at a price that feels "just right."


Is your team super tech-savvy, or do they need a user-friendly interface? Think about your team's comfort level and choose a tool that won't cause any headaches.


Make a list of the features that are most important to you. Do you need advanced sourcing capabilities or a focus on building a strong employer brand? Pick a platform that offers the functionalities that will supercharge your recruitment strategy.


Are you recruiting for a niche industry like tech or healthcare? Some alternatives cater to specific industries and offer features that are tailored to your unique talent pool.

Pro tip: Don't be afraid to take advantage of free trials!  Most recruitment tools offer a chance to test-drive their features before you commit. This is a fantastic way to get a feel for the platform and see if it's a good fit for your team.

By considering your specific needs and taking advantage of free trials, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect recruitment partner to help you build a dream team!


While LinkedIn Recruiter is a powerful and widely used tool, it's not the only option available. By considering alternatives, you might find solutions that are more cost-effective, feature-rich, diverse, user-friendly, innovative, and better supported. Evaluating your specific needs and exploring different tools can lead to a more effective and efficient recruitment process, ultimately helping you build a stronger talent pipeline.

Tapflow offers everything you need as a recruiter to build a dream team. Imagine finding hidden talent gems, automating repetitive tasks, and staying ahead of the curve with cutting-edge features. Tapflow makes it all possible.

Ready to ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and unlock the full potential of your recruitment strategy? Sign up for a free trial of Tapflow today and see how it can transform your hiring process! Happy recruiting!