Launching Tapflow: The Way To Source Better Talent 10x Faster!

All of this started with a problem

I've always believed that the key to building a successful company is having superstars on your team. However, finding these superstars was a tough job. Let me take you back to the beginning of this journey.

Imagine this: knowing that LinkedIn Recruiter is the best tool to find candidates, I dove into it, trying to search for candidates, using booleans and keyword search technology.

What I got were 1000's of random profiles that matched my keywords, but rarely did they match the role's true needs. I got struck with the feeling of being overwhelmed that this is taking me nowhere. But what's the next step? When does this become good? That's what I tried to google, but no solid response other than a few tricks to find certain keywords inside those profiles.

This is the moment I realized that recruiters and hiring managers including myself, have to spend countless hours searching and reading through hundreds, sometimes thousands, of profiles. We got to read every single word, hoping to find the right candidate. It's boring, takes a lot of time, and is very exposed to mistakes. Missing out on perfect candidates is very common if we couldn't read between the lines, weren't experts in every job, or simply didn't have the time to look at every detail.

LinkedIn Recruiter

The journey to the solution was bumpy...

Frustrated by this mess, I knew there had to be a better way. The journey began with a bold experiment: headhunting services. Not because we had the perfect solution, but because we needed to understand the problem better. We built a basic interface to show candidate profiles, but behind the scenes, we were doing the usual talent sourcing work—carefully, manually, and with a lot of effort to get fast and great results.

During this time, we managed to fill 50 tech jobs for various companies. Our secret? We promised to filter and screen candidates so our clients didn't have to. We could find an amazing group of candidates in just 2-3 days, which traditional methods couldn't match. Our difference was clear: we'll filter and screen so you don't have to. And that was working very well!

Then, the lightbulb moment struck: what if we could build technology to do this for us? What if we could create a tool that automated the whole process, making it faster, more accurate, and easy to use?

Below is an image of the first solution we came up with... an interface with no real technology behind.

First version of Tapflow

We found the right solution!

The path to building Tapflow was anything but smooth. It took months of work, countless changes, and more bugs than a summer picnic. But we were determined. We knew we were onto something big.

Finally, after a lot of hard work, Tapflow was born. This wasn’t just another tool; it was a game-changer. Tapflow uses AI to understand job descriptions, search for candidates on LinkedIn, screen them, score them, and filter them based on these scores. The result? A list of candidates that truly fit the role, all in a fraction of the time.

But we didn't stop there. We wanted to make sure Tapflow was affordable, so we introduced a pricing model that charges based on successful results only. No more paying for so-so outcomes—just real, useful results.

Tapflow's profile analysis technology

The impact on recruiters

The impact of Tapflow has been nothing short of amazing. Take our tech recruiter friends in European companies, for example. With Tapflow, they found an amazing group of Java Engineers in just one day—a job that usually takes at least seven weeks. Tapflow found the candidates, scored them, and helped the recruiters contact them. The speed and accuracy were amazing.

Here's what Khalil Al Kashif, a Global Talent Acquisition Senior Manager at Unifonic, had to say:

“With Tapflow's smart sourcing tool, I was able to identify and contact hundreds of relevant profiles within minutes, all thanks to its profile analysis technology.”

Join the revolution

Now, it's your turn. If you're a recruiter tired of wasting hours on manual screening, Tapflow is here to change your process. Visit our landing page for more information and sign up for a free trial. Let's make recruitment fun again!

Final thoughts

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Tapflow isn’t just a tool; it’s a change in tech talent sourcing. Together, let’s embrace the future of recruitment. #MakeRecruitmentFunAgain